4 Positive HPTs, 1 Negative Blood Test

Hi ladies, 
The first day of my last period was May 18th... I have yet to start my period so on Thursday (June 30th) I took two APTs that showed positive.... Today, went to the doctor to confirm with a qualitative blood test which surprisingly came back negative. After hearing this, my husband and I went out and bought four more tests, two different brands and re tested.... All positive again. Nurse said sometimes this can happen and when they re test in a week it could be positive... But why would this happen??! If it shows up positive on an at home test, surely my HCG levels are high enough for it to show up positive on a qualitative blood test - right?? I know blood tests are generally much more accurate than urine tests - but after 4 positives (nearly a week a part) how could my blood test be negative? Anyone else experience this? According to Glow I am 6 weeks, 6 days along... 