Partner smoking!

Cindy💕 • 18, mummy to George 31/07/16👶🏻💙 fiancée of a amazing man 5th Jan '16💕
So when I fell pregnant I immediately stopped smoking and my partner said he would also give up with me for both mine and baby's health, I never forced him too, but the other day I found out he's secretly been smoking for the past 5 months, even though I had my doubts as I could smell it on him at times but he blamed it on being around people that were smoking, anyway we had a row and he got really upset and cried and swore on my life that it wouldn't happen again but now I had the same feelings that he's doing it again, if I was on the phone to him I'm able to hear him like breathing in and out as you do when you smoke and I've started smelling it again, what should I do? Considering it wouldn't be the actual fact he was smoking that would annoy me, it would be the fact he promised me he wouldn't do it again?