What should I do?

Hi, I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and for about two weeks now I've had terrible cramping. 50% Braxton hicks and 50% is cramping from what my doctor described as my body dilating. It's been rough and I just breath through it and it helps. Accept for today. Around 8 o clock last night I started feeling bad and started cramping as per usual. Breathing helped for a couple hours and I decided to go lay down. That's when it really started to hurt. And not is there extreme pressure down there, I constantly feel like I need to push and I do for a little bit to help ease the discomfort. Sometimes I feel like I may be leaking water but I'm unsure. I never had the pushing sensation with my cramping before but now it's scaring me. It's 4:15 Wednesday morning and my appt isn't until tomorrow at 11:20. I'm seriously considering calling today and asking if they have any openings so I can't checked and make sure everything is fine. Ishtar what I should do?