Am i being abused by my parents?

my mom does not like the person im with because of his race. she always comes up with racist names and mean things to say about him. i feel like shes mentally hurting me. over the summer of 8th grade i was happier and better. since i started to like him, my mom called me names and i told him this on kik. he said that shes being a bitch. i agree. i know he said this out of anger, but my mom doesn't. when she found out, i wasnt allowed to talk during school either. she says that that's the reason she says mean things. but i don't think so. im not allowed to even look at him. and im being watched at school. she says horrible things to me and threatens to homeschool me. im not allowed to get a job at the place i can work at my age because he lives half a mile away. shes always rude to my friends who are of the same race, not letting me talk to some of them. she constantly threatens to hurt him and get him arrested for abusing me when i think she's the one abusing me.