Quick labor stories.. I was 2 hours..👌

I went into labor 36+6 so nearly 3 weeks early. I was standing in the kitchen talking to my husband when my water broke. I was surprisingly pretty calm about it, my hubby freaked and froze for a minute, then called the hospital. We got there about an hour later around 11pm. The nurse put the heart rate monitor on and examined me, I was 2cm dilated and having contractions but I couldn't feel them (still don't know why) my baby's heart rate was a little slow at times so the midwife decided to induce me. She gave me the dripp at 1am it started to kick in around 3:30am I was in full blown labor and by 5:40am my son was born with what felt like 3 pushes. He was absolutely perfect!! Weighing 6lb 2oz Murray Simpson the most gorgeous little thing I had ever seen. He is now 8 months & he's just started crawling..😆 Soo much love for this little guy..💙💙 Tell us your labor stories, quick or not so quick..😀😀 xx