Just need to vent 😖

Melissa • Mama to 2 boys 10 and 8 and to 2 girls 6 and 4. Pregnant with our very unplanned but very loved already, Cora Mae 💕👣👑
So after 7 long weeks of pelvic rest we are now told due to my still large hematoma we can't do anything until I'm 32 weeks and have another ultrasound. I don't think I've ever wanted to be with my husband so bad. I literally wanted to break down and cry at 11:00 pm last night after my doctor emailed me. How do you have a healthy marriage and not be allowed to be with your SO?! I'm sure I sound like a cry baby and I will obviously do anything to make sure baby is healthy but I just feel so frustrated. I know part is due to still having this hematoma and not really knowing what's going on. It was healing a few weeks ago and felt pretty defeating to see it back and bigger and where it shouldn't be. 😭 and why is that my only restriction?!?!  I'm sure I'm rambling but I just had to get it out. I've never had so much worry in a pregnancy and I'm so ready to be done. /vent