3 hr glucose

Brittaney • Masen Hurley Adam born on 9/3/16 💙💙
I just finished my 3 hour test and it's no fun at all. I'm usually not one to complain and I'm sure I had it better than others but this test kicks your butt. Between not being able to eat for 12+ hours and not really being able to drink (they told me I can only drink enough to to wet my palette) it takes a toll on your body. Now that I'm done and I've had lunch and a bottle of water I still feel like garbage and SO tired. I don't post this to scare anyone but be prepared for if you do have to do the 3 hour. I don't know that there's anything that you can do physically to prepare, so mental preparation is key lol. 
Hopefully my results are good but even if they're not, some of the other ladies in here have made me feel better about the possibility of GD. Time will tell.