I need help/ advice.

I am 33 weeks as of yesterday. And I cannot breath. The baby is so high, I get lightheaded laying on my couch and be on the verge of passing out. It happens all day. Walking, in the car( which is so bad sometimes I have to go home and lay down.) And it's not even morning sickness, it's me literally not getting enough air and my body freaking out.  We've exhausted all options and it's not a health thing. I literally feel like I'm suffocating 24/7 and if I'm not laying on my side doing nothing I'm MISERABLE. I truly do not know what to do. I've waited and waited but now I need to talk to my doctor because I can't go to 40 weeks maybe even more like this. I may not even be alive. Would my doctor induce me sooner? 37 weeks maybe? God I feel so horrible for even suggesting this because I am not that woman!! but it's so bad I can't help myself. It's making me miserable and nasty and mean and affecting my marriage. It's just insane. And I'm starting to resent my pregnancy. I truly need help or some kind of advice/ personal stories. Please no bashing.