Lost my girl

Kiara • ~🥰Momma to 2🥰~
I lost my best friend to cancer. She was literally my first baby, and my heart is severely broken. I miss her so much and it breaks my heart not to hear her nails click against our hard wood floors, or for her to "sneak" in bed bed with me. I'll never get to see those big brown eyes, or that shiny black and brown coat. No more late night belly rubs, or secret snacks in the middle of the night.  I'll never get her kisses back, or take long walks together. We won't ever share a ice cream cone in the summer. My cuddle bug is gone and I can't stand it. It makes me so jealous of ppl all happy with their dogs and I just lost mine. Sorry for the depressing post, but just wanted to vent some feelings. I'm tired of crying to myself, and I don't have anyone to talk to. Rest easy Kyrah. I miss you so much l💔😢😞🐶👼🏿