What do you say to people?

I have noticed that since being married I often get questions about having babies (not abnormal for anyone, I'm sure), by complete strangers (also not abnormal). But what I haven't figured out yet is what to say when people ask. I have noticed that I get asked this question far more often than my husband! And he seems to get away with dodging the question entirely with no problem! We have been married three years this coming September and want to start TTC, but I'm really not interested in telling complete strangers that! I'm not even sure I want to tell any family members. I have had some health challenges and that makes me feel very cautious about sharing this information just to avoid the position of having difficulty with TTC and not being able to keep relaxed and not get too stressed about it with a bunch of people asking questions/giving advice I don't want. What would you say to people who ask and you don't really want to say one way or another? (Also, any ideas about what to say to parents/in-laws in this situation would be appreciated since we are not sure we want to say anything to them just yet!) Would love to hear thoughts!