Not looking 15 weeks

So after an irrational few days of thinking my baby died and wasn't growing I had an ultrasound done and baby was alive , measured a few days ahead , healthy heart rate of 152. I even found out that it's a little boy💙💙💙💙💙 so excited. 
But you know on the front page of glow how it says your baby on day (-) and u can click on it and scroll through all of the moms that have posted? 
Well for today 15-1 pretty much ALL of them have like big round bumps. And I'm over here just looking like I ate to much. My bloat has went away mostly so I don't have that roundness I did that made me look pregnant lol 
Anyone else still small at 15 + weeks ? 
I'll post two pics so you can just see what I mean about not being that much bigger 
I've prob posted before but. Yah no. Pregnancy brain. 😂💜
Bottom is now top was 5 weeks. 
Looking at it now I do see a difference 
But I still feel like I'm a lot smaller then all the ones I saw 😭😭😭