WANTED: Creative Ideas

Jessa • Unofficial nomad. Aspiring midwife. Fierce lover of naps.
Alright ladies, I need your help. I'm *supposed* to go to school this fall to become a midwife (WOO HOO) but the financial situation is looking bleak. It turns out I qualify for ZERO financial aid, and not only that, but my bank doesn't recognize my school as an accredited school (even though it is), so they won't give me a student loan.
So, there's a chance I'm going to have to postpone school for a year or two and earn some serious cash. 
I could resume my work as a waitress and make money that way, but I'd rather look for ways that I can earn cash while working with the audience I'm interested in (pregnant women & newborns). Do you have any creative ideas on how I could do this? I'm very artistically inclined, so I've thought about doing maternity/newborn photos, or painting pictures of womb-life and selling them, but I'd love to hear your ideas!
If you have ideas on how I can make great money even if it has nothing to do with pregnancy, please do share (as long as it's not waitressing. Anything but waitressing!).
Thanks 😘💕