Mom getting pregnant

I should have been more clear. My mom is 45 and have children the ages of: 30, 28, 26, 23, 19, 12 and 8.

My 4 older siblings already have children and families of their own. Two of them are expecting and now my mom just told us she's expecting.

NO. I do not expect our mother to stop having sex at her age. I also know that accidents do happen. She said that our 8 year old sibling would be her last child. She got pregnant on PURPOSE because she said it would be cool for the two cousins( my siblings that are expecting children) and their aunt/uncle (my mom's child) to grow up together and go to school together. She thinks by getting pregnant, ALL of her children will move in the same state as her to help HER take care of HER child. She never wanted any more children. She just wants to use this baby to bring my older siblings back to the house which of course will not happen so I will be the one stuck to raise the baby. She's never really raised us. Our older siblings raised the younger siblings. I'm sorry for all the typos and grammar mistakes.