Trying to get pregnant

So I had got on birth control *The Shot* 
April 21, 2015 
(Regret getting on it ) Then three months went by and I got my second shot and wasn't really happy with the results of it . So I decided I wasn't gone get anymore of the shots . I didn't like how it made me feel look nothing so I stopped it 💯 My periods stop Coming I wasn't feeling the same at all I went months without having periods then Novermber 25th 2015 my period finally came and lasted for the regular time 5 days so I thought my body was back to the same or whatever but it wasn't I didn't get another period for almost 9 months Yea I Kno WTF I GOT MY PERIOD June 3rd And Now it's July I suppose to had a period already this
Month n I'm am 9 days late I'm really trying to have a baby and start a family with my boyfriend but the way my periods are set up idk of being late is good or bad because my body hasn't been the same since I got the birth control shot I'm really starting to be really anger and inpatience idk what's going on and I'm starting to get worried . I went to the doctor and took a couple of pregnancy tests and my doctor told me I'm not pregnant maybe my body gone take a couple of years to get back the same and if I wanted to start a family I shouldn't never took the shot maybe I should have took the pills Long Story Short Had anybody been or going thru the samething as I'm going thru and can give me and advice I really need it 😔