Bad medical receptionists😞

Has anyone had a problem with a receptionist at a doctors office? I started feeling some discomfort while urinating. I thought it was a yeast infection so i bought monistat. Then the next day it got worse. I felt like i was urinating razor blades and i was also urinating blood. I was scared so called the clinic early in the morning to get checked for a UTI. I told the receptionist i was peeing blood so i had to see my doctor. She then asked me if i had a uti or if i thought i had a uti. Really? Im not a doctor. So then i asked for my doctor and she said my doctor was not there so i could NOT be checked that day. So i told her i was in pain and if i could be checked my someone else and she said NO because i had to be checked by my doctor. She scheduled me for the next day in the afternoon. Later that day at work i could not take the pain anymore and ended up in the ER. It was a bladder infection. When i went with my doctor for the follow up i told her what happened and she was very mad at the receptionist. She also said someone else COULD and SHOULD have checked me because there WAS space for me  She said she was gonna have a talk with the front desk people and apologized 100 times. Now today i received a $450 ER bill just for a urine test. Im very mad that i have to pay this amount only because some receptionist did not want to book me with someone else. Is there something i can do? Someone i should call and talk to? Do i have to deal with it and just pay. I wish i could just mail my bill straight to that receptionists house so she can pay it.