Weird skin rash?

Brittany • Mother of 3 beautiful girls!
I am 30 weeks pregnant and for about a month now I have been struggling with this terrible outbreak all over my body, but it's mostly on my arms, elbows, shoulder blade, and occasionally on my legs. I have tried treating it with Benadryl and hydrocortisone cream with no relief. I find that putting A&D ointment helps relieve the itch temporarily and then I'm having o reapply it hours later once it's worn off, but it's ao sticky and a pain. At night I lather it in coconut oil to help the scarring and when I wake up it seems to look at a lot better and doesn't bother me until mid afternoon. I've asked my OB about it and all she said was that she could not diagnose me because she's not a dermatologist and that I'd have to get in to see my primary care doctor first to be referred to a dermatologist. Anyone else dealing with anything similar to this in their pregnancy? What was it and how did you find relief? It's so embarrassing and I have to wear mid sleeve shirts to cover it up.