Got the best news this morning...

I may not have a BFP to share, but this morning I found out that a pancreatic cyst I have been dealing with for over a year is benign and will likely never become cancer!
I found out a year and a half ago that I have a cyst in my pancreas. A couple months ago I found out that it doubled in size. This type of cyst is often a precursor for a very aggressive cancer so the past several weeks have been tremendously stressful. I couldn't function while waiting for all the tests and results because of the extreme anxiety. But this morning ended all of that because my doctor called with the wonderful news. He told me I can continue living my life normally, including TTC (we had to stop while I was going through all the tests)!
To top it all off, my husband and I got tested for fertility because we have been trying for a year and everything was normal! Sorry for all the self-centered bragging, I just feel like the hugest weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I want to tell the world! 
Time to get back to making that baby! 😆🎉