6 days late


So I am 6 days late for my period.. last month's period was so light of barely even remembered I was on it unless I wiped. Now this month I'm 6 days late. I was do for my period 7/8 & on 7/9-7/12 I had huge amounts of very clear watery cm.. a couple times there was so much it was like snotty and it was a ton.. today I haven't noticed much except for when I check my cervix when I look at my fingers it's a watery/lotion like cm all over my finger.. I haven't had any cramps but I'm so tired all the time, I've been that way for weeks now.

Yesterday at lunch I fell asleep sitting up & last night I went to bed at 7pm and didn't wake till 630 this morning.. now I'm back laying in bed cause I feel I have no energy.

I don't really have any prego or period symptoms other than moody and sleepy and the cm... has anyone ever experienced this before getting a BFP?

I want to wait to test till this weekend just because I've been burned by BFN in the past