Side effects after egg retrieval

Hi all-
I had my egg retrieval on Tuesday.  Went well- 18 eggs, 12 fertilized. 😊 (fingers crossed that at least one grows!)
 On Tuesday post procedure I had some lower abdominal pain that was controlled with extra strength Tylenol and hot packs.  Still felt a little bloated but not worse than when on the stim meds.   Weight stable.
Yesterday the pain was a bit better, needed less Tylenol and barely used the hot packs.  Weight and bloating the same.  I started prometrium (proegesterone) vaginal suppositories twice daily.  Shortly after inserting it in the morning, I felt nauseated but it passed.
Today about 30 min after my morning progesterone suppository, I felt extreme nausea and I vomited.   After vomiting, I feel fine.
I'm just wondering- is this from the progesterone or should I be worried about OHSS?  I'm still bloated but nothing crazy and my weight is the same.  I'm drinking 100 oz Gatorade per day per doctors' orders.  
Anyone else experiencing this?  Any tips for how to recover best post egg retrieval?
Thanks!  (And good luck to all the other July IVFers out there! 🍀)