3D/4D ultrasound

Vanessa • Gianna ❤️
So ever since I found out I am pregnant I been anxiously waiting to get a 3D/4D ultrasound image of my baby. I've seen my mom and sister do it before and I remember how exciting it was for them. But unfortunately my boyfriend doesn't want to do it because his sister had a miscarriage 3 weeks after getting the ultrasound. We both know why she really had a miscarriage. He keeps blaming everything on why she misscarried and I'm constantly compared to her. I totally get that he's worried something bad will happen to our baby but I just don't think it's fair that I can't get one just cause she had a bad experience. A lot of my friends had one and they did it at 28 weeks without having a problem with it. I guess I'm just annoyed and needed to vent. I just really wanted to see my baby inside my tummy ):