Help is at hand not preggo related .. Well not really... But needed to be said


Ladies, over the last few weeks i have read an unbelievable amount of posts on this app where young mothers are left to fend for themselves because of abusive partners or families, they face all sorts of abuse, whether they are pregnant or have a baby its not acceptable. They are left to raise their chil/children alone and they feel physically, emotionally and mentally unstable because they feel they have no support. I am from the UK, unfortunately i do not know too much about other countries but in the UK you do not need to put up with bs like that. There is always support 24hrs a day available for people like you. There are support groups and networks available for you. I am not a social worker or a community support worker, i am human and i wish to help people wherever I can.

Ladies of glow let's get together and help these young ladies is distress, all they need is a helping hand.. Lets think of creative ideas to ensure they get the help they need for themselves and their babys. Its so sad that so many stories end so badly, for those of us who are lucky to have loved ones, lets take a moment to ve thankful. Ladies just know you are never alone and help is always there never let them make you feel worthless or like u can not cry out for help because you can and when you do its their loss. Its never an end its always a new beginning...

I hope this helps some of you ladies out there im trying to reach out.. I apologize for the long post but I really felt i needed to say it...

Love to you all. May God bless you all and reward you all for your efforts, hardhsips and trials and with that grant you patience and ease... IA.