Going away for a while

(Pretty long, sorry) Ladies, I just need to vent. I need some support. My dad has asked me to come live with him (I already moved out of my moms house a year ago, I have 2 roommates right now)
He wasn't apart of my life growing up, and he's 70 now and says he wants to spend at least part of his life with me. I'm in a really tough spot right now. I have to move from where I'm at anyways, and I'm not finacially stable enough to live by myself (I'm only 17) 
So this would seem like the perfect time to go live with him. The only problem is that he lives 4 hours away. 
4. While. Hours.
4 hours away from the place I've grown up my whole life being here. 4 hours away from my friends and my family. 4 hours away from the job that I've kept since I turned 16. 4 hours away from my boyfriend of almost 3 years. I'm so torn right now. I know I need to go. He said he can buy me a car since I don't have one. His wife works for the community college so he said I can do only classes there. His neighbor is the manager at Walmart and he said he can talk to her about getting me a job there. I'm sure it will only be temporary, but I don't know how I'm going to do it. My boyfriend and I are so close, and he won't be able to make that 4 hour drive all the way there because he doesn't have a car right now... I'm just so upset