Bad Friend?

Tay ❤️
Let me tell you a little about one of my best friends. This girl has been there for me through absolutely everything, never judged me and I'm so thankful to have met her. I've had lots of fake friends or girls that made me feel bad about myself so I'm happy that I have someone who isn't like that. With that being said, this girl can be a little crazy, she's known to compeltely exaggerate and flat out lie about things, she's broken my pregnancy news to friends before I had the chance, she's claimed to be pregnant herself on multiple occasions all for attention. I know it isn't true because she'll never show me a positive pregnancy test and then if I ask her about it she'll say that she miscarried. She also smokes cigarettes and does it in my presence so I've stopped hanging out with her because I don't feel it's safe for my baby. I feel so bad because she says she wants to be there for me and she wants to be the babies godmother and all of these things. I don't want her to feel like I'm ditching her and not letting her have a relationship with my baby once she's born but idk how to handle all her drama?