My baby girl came pretty fast

becca • This is my 3rd pregnancy I have 2 boys who are 9 and 4 I am expecting a lil girl July 18
So I came in to the hospital with contractions every 3-5 mins the nurse checked me and I was just bout 4 cm sat on the monitor for a bit she came back and checked me 45 mins later I was still at a 4 so she said she was going to give me something to relax me so I could try and get sleep well my contractions became every 2mins I called the nurse back in the room and told her I needed to go to the bath room and she said well let me check u before u do she checked me and I was at 10cm the doctor almost didn't make it in the room I gave 2 big pushes and my princess was here at 3:44am 6lbs 6oz 20in