Getting too excited over a guy... SOS

Bella • 21 yr old shameless feminist & lover of the earth ✌🏼️
Guys why do I do this ? So this guy has been following me on Instagram for a while and he recently liked one of my pictures so I looked at his profile, turns out he's from Boston (like me) so I decided to follow him back and message him like hey what's up or something. So, the thing is, I'm in Italy right now and not able to meet him (returning August 16). Since I sent the message we have been chatting a lot and omg he's just so cute and I can tell he's like a really sweet guy, genuine and romantic... And also like super sexy and Hispanic (speaks Spanish... So hot 💀) but not like the player type .. Maybe more like the mamas boy type? Idk 
Anyway I am crushing HARD but won't be home til August ... Is it weird to keep chatting so much before we meet? We planned to go out for dinner when I get back but that's not for about a month ... Also like I already feel like I like him a lot and it's only been a little while. Basically I need ta chill but don't know how 😷
Also when the time comes .. Sex on the first date or not ? I am always horny after a good date (lol) but he seems like a genuine cool guy.. Also he comes from South America (moved here a few years ago) so I'm not sure if culturally there is a difference there? Lmk
Thanks if anyone responds lol 💕