How big is too big??

I always thought my SO's dick was average in size, he tells me it's small but I've never actually asked him how many inches he's packing. But boy, does it get the job done. ANYWAY we also use toys quite frequently, a while ago he got me this humungo dildo and used it on me, it felt good but hurt too. I was shocked when he told me it was only 5 inches long because that's what I estimated him being 😂 and now, he got a 9 inch one and wants to use it but ITS FUCKING HUGE if the other one hurt I can only imagine what this one will feel like! I see girls talk about how they prefer big dicks but I can't relate, I'd prefer one my SO's size. I like to be fucked hard but can't enjoy it if it's that big I gotta focus on not dying 😂😂 does anyone else agree or am I a weirdo hahahahah