My "natural birth".. Welcome baby boy!

Taylor • Pregnant with baby #1 ❤️ already so in love!
In labor for 22 hours, experienced the most intense pain I could have ever imagined. I wanted to share my birth story because as most mommies I was planning on a flawless natural birth no medications no interventions and well NOT so much! I went in Thursday for a regular check up little did I know my little miracle baby was soon to be born. 
He is my rainbow baby & with that being said I was paranoid and OCD about my entire pregnancy which happen to be almost perfect until this last check up. I was taken to ultrasound, hooked up to a fetal monitor, with no words just multiple people in/out. Finally my doctor came in & told me that my amniotic fluid was at a level 3 (very very low). I needed to go home, eat, gather my things and go to the hospital to be admitted for induction. However my hospital of choice who I had pre registered to, toured, etc etc WAS FULL!! We attempted to other hospitals who were also FULL! I knew this was off to a terrible start for a first time birth. I finally got admitted about 8:30 pm the soonest a room could come available. They implanted a tampon like medication to help me dilate. It did not do such, but it did begin my contractions. They were manageable & becoming more frequent by 9am Friday but I was STILL not dilated. They then began pitocin. Which is no joke! My contractions went from a 5 to 5037373737 BUT I was still able to keep my composure by walking or rocking in the rocking chair. 
Checked again at 12:30pm STILL not dilated. My doctor began discussing other options because my body was clearly not doing what it was suppose to. I REFUSED a c section! She decided to try to break my water herself as she could get a single finger through. We were successful! However at that point I was not mentally prepared for what was about to occur. The pain had reached maximum level. Contracting but not dilating it was as if my body was confused as to what to do. By 2 I was begging for medications. They gave me a dose of fentenyl which does NOT help mommies! All it did was make me loopy while having these insane contractions like clock work. I lasted ~45 minutes before I broke down and said I couldn't do it anymore. I began praying nonstop & a nurse came to check to see if I was dilated enough for an epidural. It was a MIRACLE! 4.5 centimeters bring on the epidural! My contractions were so bad I was terrified I was not going to be able to sit still, but I again prayed through it and was successful. Once it kicked in, I was relieved. Slept like a baby.. So much my blood pressure dropped so slow it gave everyone a scare as then my babies BP was on the rise. They rotated me every few minutes until everything stabilized again. About 5:30pm my doctor returns, at this point I did not feel any contractions but was rested. I continued to pray because I was worried for my baby at this point. Then this weird Feeling of *do I seriously have to poop right now* came over me & as my doctor checked me she said the magic words "I believe I might stay and deliver this baby.. It's time to push!" 
The nurses began preparing everything as I was still in shock. My baby is soon to be born! My family was not even at the hospital yet. 
I began pushing and it was the most deliberating feeling ever! NOT painful but I could still feel. I could feel my baby boy move I could feel where he was at I was in FULL control! Within a few pushes he was crowning, I finally had my precious son at 7:08pm VAGINALLY! He was perfect! We were both stable! Craziest best 24 hours of my life! 
There is nothing like having a baby but it is truly mind over matter. I let my mind take over but so thankful for all my amazing nurses who tolerated me!