Okay, I'm seventeen, my best friend is sixteen (turning seventeen soon) she is homeschooled as she is bullied a lot by many people and it's totally heartbreaking to see her be nervous to go for walks. We live in a small country town with less than 1500 residents in and around the place.
Anyways besides that, her partner got her pregnant. She strictly will not abort because that is her personal belief. She does have work and her partner am does too, so in a way they're a bit financially stable. 
I've learnt how to do crochet (like knitting but with one hook instead of two needles) and so far I'm making her a baby blanket and I'm learning still, how to make beanies and little booties. I support her fully, because I know if I were in that situation I would want support too, and I love her too much to never support her. The baby is due on the 17th of February next year, and she already is severely getting slut shamed because she fell pregnant... 
Other than that, we live 30km apart (I'm on a farm, she's in town), besides the crochet, how else can I help my best friend out? I want the best for her and her baby, I think the father is worried because, well, he's gonna be a dad! The condom broke and the morning after pill failed on her. 
She's asked me to go to her next ultrasound appointment! I've never been so happy and personally honoured to go with her! I know her mum, my mum and our other two best friends support her and that she may not want too many people supporting her as it can be overwhelming! But again, how do I, as her best friend and no doubt a future "Aunty", help her through the pregnancy and the first years of having a child?