I'm back!!

Kellie • We have a 4 year old son, Carson John 💙 TTC since August 2015 - Two angel babies 👼🏻 Due with our rainbow 10/15/2017🌈
Hey ladies!! :) I haven't been active in about 6 months but I've been lurking and am super excited for all those who have been able to conceive and am looking forward to getting to know all the rest of you who are sharing in the same journey as me! My husband and I got married on August 1st last year and immediately started trying for baby #2! We conceived in September and a week after our BFP I experienced our first miscarriage. It was devastating so we decided to take a short break from trying. We got pregnant again in December (our first cycle trying again), and lost the baby in January. After a second loss I couldn't even fathom trying again. We've been using protection for 6 months, and have tossed the condoms and are back in the game TTC! I started taking my OPKs again yesterday (after a busy weekend on our annual canoe trip with friends). This morning I got my first BRIGHT positive! Thankfully we BD'd last night, and will again for the next couple nights. We will be able to test on our first wedding anniversary, and how amazing of a gift it would be. Hopefully first time is the charm, praying for my sticky rainbow baby! Hugs and baby dust to you all!! ✨✨✨🌈