June 7th

My due date was June 2nd which was my sons grandpas birthday that passed away when his dad was Jhus a baby! Then they changed it to June 4th which was my birthday! Well my water bag broke at 10:45pm June 6th! Felt like someone socked me in my vagina! But no water came out tried to roll out of bed 20mins later to pee && it all began to gush out! Ran to bathroom nothing! Went pee after 5 minutes && more came out so I knew for sure it was my water bag this time! Went to hospital && had my son by 9:19am on June 7th! Labor wasn't as bad as my first child! With my first I was in labor for over 48+ hours with many complications! This labor it was only 8 hours && 3 pushes later && my son was born!
What was your due date && when was your baby born???????