My ❝PCOS❞ Story; 🙄

I'll try make it as short as possible! 🙂
Ok so I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14! But didn't really think much of it until recently (the last 2 years as I've been ttc baby #1) I went for an ultrasound just last year which said that I have 20+ cysts on each ovary.. My biggest is less the CM big & they are non-cancerous my doctor said. I've tried Vitex (which did nothing) I tried Macca root (which helped induce my period 🤗) I tried preseed (nothing again) I was given provera to kickstart my period which it did! And then I had to have tests again for my gyno... well I am now on metformin (1500mg) a day and have been for 3 weeks! I am 2 weeks late for my due period. I'm not really sure what's going on and really I just want to know if I ovulate at all! I've used tests... But I am honestly not sure if they work for me! Below I am sharing my cycle lengths, ovulation tests (for my predicted fertile window this cycle) & ultrasounds... Please comment what you think!!! I just want to hear advice opinions, I'm honestly loosing all hope 😞 
I just want my BFP! Please someone help me and give me some hope!!! 💜💙 babydust to all you beautiful ladies! ✨