Maybe TMI: 3 week constipation!

This may be TMI but I just finished getting help from the ER for 3 1/2 weeks of constipation. Literally I would push so hard like I'm having a baby to try to poop and get a pebble or three. I tried Colace, Milk of Magnesia, I have Miralax at home, prune juice, warm prune juice, dried apricots, squatting.... you name it I tried it. For relief I finally went to the ER afraid that I was impacted at this point. It was getting harder to eat, my tummy was getting a little firm, and the nausea plus constipation was like hell. They gave me half of a fleet. In less than three minutes I probably lost 5 tummy is a bit queasy... But I'm HUNGRY and I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! Seriously, take care of yourselves. And don't let constipation get the best of you'! Enemas are not fun... But it was so worth it.