Very sad

This is going to be kind of long and I'm sorry if it is.. Please don't comment rude things I just need to let some things out. And would like some words of encouragement it would be so helpful. I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant I am currently going a breakup with my child's father. Me and him have been together for 4 years and this is our first born and we're having a girl and basically yesterday we got into a argument over something very stupid he was the one upset not me. And we'll to make it short he said he's tired of everything , and he took all his things and left. He just left some things. We haven't been on good terms like in a good month... He works out of town and comes every weekend and we never argue when we talk otp or text when he's working out of town but when he comes back we argue and it's over the most stupidest things. We just don't get along like we use to. I feel like he isn't into our relationship anymore and probably was just trying to stick around for our child but he claims to love me but puts me thru a lot. All I want is for my baby to have her father in her life and grow up in a stable home but the way things are going I would rather not even take him back this time around for the sake of my daughter. If he just thinks he can up and leave me right when I could give birth any day now he's so wrong.. I want my daughter to have a happy life and if we're arguing all the time , a liar and he's the way he is then I rather not let her meet her dad. And the thing is I wouldn't even put him on child support I don't need nobody to do anything for my daughter or me. I know I can do it on my own but I know it's going to be hard but I will accomplish it for her sake. I want to be a family but it's hard like he needs to change and become a better man. I can't keep going thru things and letting him come back whenever he feels like it and he can't just leave when things get hard. I'm hurt and I just want my baby to get here already.. Sometimes I feel like he will change once she's here but who knows. Like I said tho I wouldn't let her meet him if he chooses to leave nor will I put him on child support. I will give her his last name tho. Because that his her last name but that's it. It will hurt him in the long run.