Potty training question

My 3 YO daughter suddenly decided on Friday (7/22) evening she would use the potty (we'd been trying off and on previously but she just wouldn't even sit on the potty). Anyway, she peed in the potty Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. I had to TELL her to pee- and took her every hour- 85% of the time she would pee. She would NOT poop and did that in her pull up. So today she went with her papa who takes care of her while we're at work and she did not pee for him AT ALL- like not in her pull up and not on the potty. He said she drank three cups of fluid at least today. We came home around 530 and she did pee for me, but only a smallish amount and not since then. Should I be worried about her "holding" her pee and getting a UTI or worse- or just chalk it up to the potty training? I've never potty trained before lol...all I know is I don't want two in diapers and her baby brother will be here in less than a month!