Over pregnancy

Devin • Married, Bikini Competitor, Fitness Addict, Stepmom & First time mommy 💗
So I've never been one to complain throughout my entire pregnancy. But I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and I'm so over this. From the painful hips, th fatigue, raise in body temp, constantly using the bathroom, and more I'm over it. My doctor isn't one to induce labor early unless there is a reason, which I completely understand and respect... But I'm ready for her to be here. I'm not sure where all you ladies are from but I'm from central Cali and its 108 here all week! I would love to have the extra weight off,... At least some of it. I took a nap today and woke up in a pool of sweat. At first I get excited thinking it was my water that broke... But my entire body was sweaty, no compaction sand my pants weren't wet like they would if that happened lol. How are all you ladies doin?