Tested 5 days after spotting

I noticed some spotting on Thursday it was dark pink an was only when I wiped over a couple of hours then nothing until friday night after we had sex where there was streaks of spotting when cleaning up. Sunday nothing until we had sex an it was the same again. Monday I woke to some dark brown stuff on my panty liner but only a small amount an when I wiped an then through out the day it was I lighter brown mix with cm when I wiped. This morning when I got up it was dark brown when I wiped but nothing on liner. Iv had mild cramping but barely noticeable. Iv added a pic of my test that I'm sure is nagative could it be af taking its time or to early still to test. I'm on cd 259 an suffer with pcos. I have 2 children already but tcc number 1 with my partner an been trying for 2 years.