32 weeks

I'm 32 weeks today and on strict bed rest. It's been a rough two weeks for me. My husband has been super great and our 8 year old (a little tough but he's helping). I'm the one that takes care of the house. But hubs stepped up and is doing everything while I have to lay in the recliner and watch. I hate it cause I'm used to doing everything and not having to be needy. But we are trying to keep my bp low. My last appt it was 160/108, I was admitted to be monitored and tested for a couple hours. My baby boy is doing great, it's just me. So, we have to make sure he stays in just a couple more weeks. I'm trying not to stress about it but it's hard. I've heard no horror stories, so that helps. But good vibes and thoughts would be great! ❤️