Am I out this month??

Hi I ovulated 10 days ago, I am now 4 days away from af. I did do a pregnancy test today which was negative. I am now experiencing cramps in my lower tummy and when I went to the toilet and wiped, I had egg white cm with a very slight pink tinge. It was just a small amount of cm but I have had this type of cm from ovulation (not pink tinged tho) do you think that's me out for this month? I normally am very regular 28 day cycle. Surely if I had conceived this month it would at least show a very faint line by now? 
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Implantation occurs 7-12 dpo so it's possible you're seeing and feeling implantation! Wait until your missed period til you test again.


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Everyone's different, I'd wait a few days and test again. I didn't get a positive until 4 days after my missed period, unfortunately it ended in miscarriage but at that point in time everything was healthy. Also had a chemical in April and got my bfp the day my period was due.