Need tips to help conceive !❤️

jo • mom x 2
My BF & I have been ttc for a few months now and no luck so far ! I have slightly irregular periods but I've been using another app to track my ovulation so we can make sure to have sex during my fertile window but I think it was off 🤔 which is why I switched to glow! 
Anyways I was smoking for four years, and on birth control for two. I quit the pill in February of this year & I haven't had a cigarette since June. Is it true that it takes your body time to be able to conceive after you get off the pill? (I was taking the ones where I only got AF every 3 months) 
I also plan on taking vitex to regulate my period & the first response reproductive health vitamins as well. 
Any tips on other ways to regulate my period and conceive a baby are needed! I really need to get healthy please help! 💘