Any advice?!

I'm 11w 2d today and I feel absolutely miserable.... My face looks like a mountain range of zits and pimples, my stomach is the size of Texas due to gas, constipation and bloating, no glow here! I'm still so exhausted from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed, and for the past 2 weeks my lower back has literally been killing me to the point it hurts to walk, sit and sleep. Doctor said it's too early to be pregnancy related back pain, so he suggested I see a chiropractor or massage therapist. On top of that, I'm a substitute preschool teacher by day and bartender by night, working two jobs to make ends meat. I can't keep working 7 days a week with one day off every two to three weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions for any of this misery?! I'm feeling so alone, misunderstood, fat and ugly, and downright miserable. Isn't this suppose to be the happiest time in my life? My husband tries his best to help as much as he can, but he is a police officer (which is a whole other world of worry and anxiety now!) and works long hours and usually opposite shifts from mine. Is there anyone out there who feels at least somewhat similar? Or am I miserable and alone?