Wedding save the dates??

So we had to postpone our wedding which was supposed to be in a couple of weeks due to the fact that we were scheduled to be married in a Zika affected area. We decided to reprint our stationary and upon doing so, also decided to send out some save the dates for the new date(s). We initially didn't do them because most people knew/know that we're getting married on a cruise ship so they have to prebook. Our wedding invitations and wedding website have all of the cruise ship information including how to book. BUT our save the dates only have the actual wedding date and location, it doesn't make mention of the cruise although most people already know about it. Should I be concerned or add an insert about the actual dates for the cruise before mailing them out? Or just wait for them to get the invitations?? Here's a picture of the save the date. It's super simple and to the point.