From Bad to Amazing

So I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I have had absolutely no sickness, no problems, no nothing. It's to the point I don't even feel pregnant other than the fact I can feel little butterflies from my baby being so active. He/she is also very photogenic which he/she gets from me lbs. We are due Feb. 6 😁
But it hasn't always been gravy. This is my third pregnancy but this will be my first child. My last pregnancy I miscarried and had no symptoms of a miscarriage. Other than the fact I went in to my regular appointment to hear the heart beat to find out there was no heart beat.With that pregnancy I had horrible morning sickness, motion sickness, would even come close to passing out of my shower was too hot.  I had to have a DandC done because the baby had stopped growing 2 weeks prior. After that I tried and tried and tried but nothing good was coming of it.  A year later we had got some unexpected yet very exciting news. We took a home test and immediately went to the hospital after to make sure we were on our Ps and Qs. This is the furthest I have made it in a pregnancy and the fact that everything is going so smooth I couldn't be any happier.! But prayers are continuously in motion. You never know what could happen but I'm remaining positive. 
My baby👶🏽  says Peace ✌🏽️ Love ❤️ and Happiness 😁