Milk Production

Lauren • Wife, J • 3.2017 💕 Mom, A • 7.2016 + A • 12.2018 + A • 8.2020 + A • 7.2022 💕
My LO is 12 days old. I strictly pump and bottle feed breast milk as of about 5 days ago. I was pumping regularly and was able to pump 10 oz (5 oz each breasts) in one sitting of about 15 minutes. I was recently diagnosed with and treated for mastitis and can now barely pump 4 oz. Since I've been sick the past few days all of my stored supply has been used for his feedings and he eats 4 1/2 oz per feeding, so I'm getting concerned. Is it possible that my production has decreased due to the infection? Will it go back up with strictly pumping or should I try to put my babe back on the breast? Has anyone dealt with a similar situation?