My mom gave me an enema!! 😩😩😩

Y'all I could just die!!! So I was diagnosed with hsv2 a few weeks ago. But I never told anyone no friends no family. I'm just kinda trying to deal with it on my own. For now at least. But recently I've had a battle with constipation. Painful constipation to the point where I had to give myself an enema. Only I couldn't. My mom had too. 🙈. However, I'm having a small outbreak very small. 
So I'm ass up with my mom hovering over my asshole giving me this enema with these Doctor surgeon gloves on and she sees my outbreak and comments on them. I freaked out and just called them cuts/hemrhoid. 
I could have died absolutely died. This is probably one of the lowest moments in my life 😩😩😩😩