I think I might have PCOS

My period has been off lately always shows up a day or two late and usually I am like clock work. Now my period is almost 6 days late, I've taken tests and they are negative. (I do not feel pregnant at all) I have started to do some research and after reading about PCOS I'm almost positive I have it. I am a stay at home mom to two boys. My first son we had no problem getting pregnant with as it wasn't exactly done on purpose and I was young and way thinner. With my second son we tried for took us 9 months to get pregnant but I was also exercising everyday and in decent shape. I am now overweight and not active really at all. 
I am really scared if I do have PCOS as of right now I have no insurance. I think the first step to get in the right direction would be to lose weight. I'm scared I have already destroyed my body and I won't be around for my kids.