Twin mommies, lend me your speculation.

I got a very early positive via blood test less than three weeks after a mc (we didn't know it was positive at the time, just tracking to zero). Two days later on a twinge and wave of nausea I took a pregnancy test at 8pm and it looked like this
Since then I've gotten my beta done. And they look like this
I don't get an ultrasound at least for another two weeks. I've had my sister and a woman at work both say "I've got a strong twin vibe". I also had a weird dream about my boobs both leaking at the same time. 
So you ladies with experience in this. Think it could be? (I know I just need to wait for the ultrasound) bit I'm at work, bored. Did anyone have any weird twin premonitions? Or have anyone else suggest twins and be right?
I think what makes me stuck in this is the 2-3 weeks on a digital at 8pm at night (after holding my pee for 30 minutes from the blue dye test I took at 7:30 which was so blazing positive I walked right back to the store to buy digital). 
So come, speculate with me!