

I posted in the correct spot for gender guesses but it got lost in there from the other day since there were so many, lol.

The short story is that we did the Harmony test at 8 weeks but it turns out after our 21 week ultrasound they admitted that someone else's blood was run under my name so we have to ignore those results. The tech at my 21 weeks u/s scanned quickly and gave a gender. We do not feel 100% with her guess. Hubby booked a 3d later that same day but baby was wiggling so much we couldn't tell. I do not get any more scans either.

What do you guys think? All photos from 21 weeks. I am currently 32+2 weeks. With my daughter she was 100% a girl at my 20wk 3d u/s but this one has me stumped. Thanks!!!

At the er this past Monday (went for stabbing pain and cxs) baby is measuring apx 37wks, 5lbs, 18" long, avg heart rate of 132 per my report, and feet are over 2" long already.