Miscarriages and Vacations?


Hi guys! I always love answering your questions, so can you help me out this time around?

I have a possibly tricky situation on my hands, and would love to get some input/advice/opinions... anything really to settle my brain!

Vacation is scheduled for September 23- October 2. We started TTC in May, and so far nothing has come of it. The problem is not so much me being pregnant or sick on vacation, it's that I have a history of miscarriages at 8-9 weeks thanks to MTHFR. I've been taking my appropriate medication for months to help prevent this, but there's no guarantees in life. If I had gotten pregnant last month, we would be past that 8-9 week point. If I get pregnant next month, we're before that point. If I am pregnant now (currently 9 days into my two week wait), then I'm going to hit that 8-9 week mark while I'm on a cruise ship somewhere in the Caribbean with 10 of my closest family members (not to mention my 10 and 2 year olds). If I miscarry, WHAT do I do??

Should I talk to the doctor and have a plan (like certain prescriptions)? Just wing it? Stop stressing out and just go with it? Put TTC on hold until the trip? I know I'm probably stressing over nothing... what would you do?

I can technically start early testing tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. Give me some feedback!

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