Second hand smoke for a month...

Hey, ladies !

My husband has leave for the next 30 days and we are going to be staying with his parents. I am 9 weeks +4 days and we will be staying in their living room. The only problem being that his dad smokes inside the house.. we were planning on staying with my parents in cali instead but they lost their house and had to move into my grandparents spare room. So that's a no go. No other family I can stay with in cali and no other family in his hometown that we could stay with... as long as I'm not next to his dad while he smokes in the house should I be okay ...? Like if I leave the room..? It's just their whole house reeks of it and idk what to do.. we can't afford a hotel for a month and our next station is japan and we are waiting on my passport so we can't go early..