Proud mom

On days like today, where nothing has gone right, my kids where fighting with eachother all day and testing every last nerve in my body. My almost 4 week old didn't want to be put down and just needed to nurse all day. I have to stop and remember just how luck I am to have my 3 amazing children, and like most things in life this to shall pass. Before long they will be off to school, dates, sports, and other activities, to busy and to cool to spend time with their mom or dad. On days like today where I almost loose my cool, but manage to pull it together and still give them those special moments with me. I never want to look back and think, I should have read to you more, or spent more time with you. We as parents are often drained physically, mentally,  and emotionally. Just remember these moment, as hard as they are now, won't last forever!